The Camellia – Tiziano Genoni

Venerdì 2 July, ore 18:00 Villa De A,,es,Bach up to Puccini,,it,to then move on to the music of,,it,The Fanta Brass are born in,,it,of Bergamo under the guidance of maestro Ermes Giussani,,it,This very atypical chamber formation,,it,brass quartet with two trumpets two trombones,,it,its characteristics are the strength and brilliance typical of brass instruments supported by just as much imagination and bubbly technique,,it,The four have won awards by winning numerous scholarships and competitions,,it,first classified competition for young performers in Vescovato,,it,prize,,es,Enrico Arisi,,it,scholarship Lions club Bergamo,,it,Rotary Club Award XVII edition,,it,first,,it,second and third place in the national instrumental competition city of Giussano,,it,MB,,en,Lino Barbisotti scholarship,,it,XXIV and XXVI edition,,it,second prize Competition "Ludovico Rocca",,it. Frua, Laveno Mombello La Camellia: the eternal harmony of an oriental flower, arrivato sulle sponde del Lago Maggiore Conferenza a cura di Tiziano Genoni Referente per la Lombardia della Società Italiana della Camelia Ingresso libero Prenotazione obbligatoria su EVENTBRITE oppure;
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