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Bevano East,,fr,Mc Deal Sextuor,,en,Maestrale,,en, Mercoledì 24 July
Mercoldedì 24 July,Ranco Piazza Venezia,,it,Cerro di Laveno International Museum of Ceramics,,it,MIDeC Mc Deal Sextuor Elena Bacchiarello,,en,horn Antonio Palumbo,,it,free entrance piano The Mc Deal Sextuor project was born in the autumn,,it,Via Beata Giuliana,,it,Santa Maria del Monte Pogliaghi House Museum the great performers and places to know Willi Burger,,it,chromatic harmonica born in Milan in,,it,it belongs to a family of graphic and sculptural artists,,it,in which it brings,,it,Parco della Quassa,,it,Euro20,,en,Parco della Quasse Sasso Cavallazzo great performers and places to know for a project to support Roberto Zanisi,,it,Psycho Acoustic percussions Only the world,,it,with its peoples,,it,in your pocket ... There are in Istanbul and Athens,,it,more like modern metropolises than as remains of an imagined past,,it,And there's a psychedelic taste in it,,it, ore 21:30 Bevano Est Stefano Delvecchio, fisarmonica, Davide Castaglia, violino, Giampiero Cignani, clarinetto Il Bevano è un fiume romagnolo. Bevano Est è un'area di servizio sull'autostrada, a non-place where pieces of every kind of world touch,,it,Bevano Est is a musical project born in,,it,A presentation of acoustic instruments proposed,,it,with subtle irony,,it,a music of its own composition,,it,coarse and dedicated,,it,that in the theater sits broken down,,it,in the tavern he asks for listening and in,,it,Perol lakefront,,it,Laveno-Mombello VA,,it,Davide Quote,,sv,Antonio Palumbo,,it,oboe,,en,piano The Mc Deal Sextuor project was born in the autumn,,it,and composed by young concert players,,it,who perform regularly in the major Italian and foreign concert shows,,it,united by the desire to let the public know the rare repertoire dedicated to this formation,,it,but of particular beauty and energy,,it,The Sextet of L,,it,Thuille e,,fr,Angera Piazza Ex Sama Maestrale Filippo Gambetta,,it,Sergio Caputo,,it,Carmelo Russo,,pt. Bevano Est è un progetto musicale che nasce nel 1991. A formation of acoustic instruments,it […]
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