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3 August – Mauro Porro & His Dixie Blue Blowers

3 August 2022 @ 21:30 - 23:00


Mercoledì 3 August, ore 21:30

Lake Maggiore cableways, Laveno Mombello

Pauro Porro & His Dixie Blue Blowers

a tribute to the Hot Jazz music of the 1920s

Mauro Porro, cornetta, sax soprano; Lorenzo Baldasso, clarinet and alto sax;

Paolo Dellino, banjo, chitarra; Paolo Vanzulli, tuba


Concert entrance and cable car ticket: 15 euro. Reservations on EVENTBRITE oppure email: illagocromatico@gmail.com; Such: 3355946184 – 0332610303


A tribute to all the "Hot Jazz" music of the 1920s, in its various styles (Dixieland, Chicago, New Orleans, New York, etc…): tromba, sax, clarinet, banjo, bass tuba and drums; the brilliant performance of well-known and lesser-known pieces from the golden age of jazz takes place through free improvisation and through meticulous transcriptions from records to 78 giri!


Mauro Porro: nonostante la giovane età, Mauro L. Porro has been for several years now considered the greatest exponent of’ “Hot Jazz” made in Italy, that is, of that particular form of music generated at the turn of the decades 1920 e 1930 of the past century, performed philologically by means of tools and techniques of the time. Multi-instrumentalist who plays from piano to percussion through reeds and brass, Mauro L. Porro has been performing since the age of 16 years on the most prestigious European stages (Inghilterra, Francia, Spagna, Portogallo, Germany, Switzerland, Belgio, Hungary, Svezia, Norway, Olanda, Scozia, etc, etc…) together with the vast majority of the sacred monsters of jazz and non-jazz music. Recently defined by English music critics as "one of the most promising and brightest young talents of traditional jazz in Europe” (cit.) after his continuous appearance (only Italian) at the largest intercontinental meeting place for lovers of "hot" & Jazz "swing" that brought together 36 chosen soloists from all over the world, he is arranger for an Italian record label and for various European and US ensembles including the famous orchestra of Vince Giordano's "Nighthawks" which has signed the soundtracks of the major films inspired by the twenty-year period 1920-1940 (from "The Aviator" to the "Boardwalk Empire" series) and was awarded a "Grammy Award". He also collaborated with RAI providing his historical-musical consultancy in some television dramas.



Ass. Musica Libera


Lake Maggiore cableways
Laveno Mombello, Italia + Google Map